The Wearable Chair You’ve Always Needed by Noonee
There is an old riddle… Whats something you sit on but cant take with you?…Tha Answer was a Chair…Until now
For all those times you’ve wished you could just take a seat, I somehow doubt that this involved wearing your seat on your body. But hey, what do I know — I’m not a surgeon, restaurant industry professional, or anyone else who is forced to stay on their feet for hours at a time.
The Noonee wearable chair was initially meant to help those in industrial fields who often have to endure grueling operations with no respite for weary legs and lower backs.
It’s not just doctors and surgeons who could benefit from the wearable chair, however. The company seems confident that anyone who must stay standing for long periods of time could find a use for the Noonee, as long as they don’t mind the rather strange aesthetics.
Who knows, maybe in a few years we’ll all be walking around with wearable seats. And next up will undoubtedly be the wearable bed.