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Scientists BioPrint Muscle Tissue That Can Sustain Itself

Scientists BioPrint Muscle Tissue That Can Sustain Itself

by Stephen BrownJanuary 2, 2016
The researchers used three specially developed inks that borrow biological properties from...

Scientists print muscle tissue with blood pathways that allow the tissue to sustain itself.


The notion of 3D printed biological tissue in a lab presents some very big challenges for scientists. The main challenge has been without blood pathways,  the cells on the interior of the tissue become starved for oxygen, while also having no way to dispose of waste. These debilitating factors ultimately cause the  muscle tissue  to suffocate and die.

However, a new bioprinting method developed by researchers from the Wyss Institute for Biologically  have enabled the creation of tissue with small blood vessels and multiple cell structures to create tissue that forms with ventricle holes for blood pathways.

The group used three specially developed “bio-inks,” that incorporate  certain biological properties from real living tissue. The first bio ink  used consisted of  an extracellular matrix, which joins the cells together to form tissue, while the second ink used a combination of the extracellular matrix and living cells.

The team’s short term ambitions for the technology are centered on creating 3D tissues that mimic living tissue closely enough to be used for injury & transplant victims. “That’s where the immediate potential for impact is,” said Jennifer Lewis, Care Faculty Member of the Wyss Institute and a senior author of the study. ” The Medical industry has been waiting for this for some time and the possibilities are endless.”

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About The Author
Stephen Brown
Stephen Brown @SteveBTech is a Technology Entrepreneur, & Int'l CES Judge. Along with being the founder of DigiLyfe, and, he is the founder of, & an organization that teaches K-12 Students Science & Technology.