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Finally! Charge Your Mobile Device Wirelessly … Game Changer
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May 3, 2018

Wireless Charging For All Your Devices Ready For The Market

I’ve  followed the [...]

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April 27, 2018

Don’t Use a Selfie Stick, Get a Hover Camera Drone Instead

There are several types of camera drones that snap photos or video of  the user, [...]

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April 21, 2018

Nike’s self-lacing sneakers coming to stores November 28th


Nike has finally announced when it will begin selling its self-lacing [...]

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April 19, 2018

Study Shows Brain Cells Can Live Outside The Body for 100 years

In the living body there [...]

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April 10, 2018

Real Fountain of Youth?: Scientists Able To Turn Off The Aging Gene In Mice


With the wide-ranging benefits of [...]

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April 7, 2018

Dubai Police Introduce Flying Hover Bikes To Patrol Abu-Dhabi

Stephen Brown @SteveBTech is a Technology Entrepreneur & CES Judge. Along with being [...]

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March 28, 2018

Personal Air Vehicles coming to the masses soon thanks to NASA



     While companies look to deliver [...]

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March 27, 2018

Inside Lamborghini’s Incredible All Electric Terzo Concept


The Lamborghini Terzo concept. The self healing, all [...]

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March 23, 2018

After a year, Trump White House Website Still has no information On Civil Rights

Stephen Brown @SteveBTech is a Technology Entrepreneur, & CES Judge. Along with being [...]

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March 23, 2018

China Approves Manned Mission to Mars for 2025 Well Ahead of US Efforts



China Approves Manned Mission to Mars for 2025 Well Ahead [...]
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March 21, 2018

Cambridge Analytica Employee Explains How they Stole Your Data & Used it Against You


The Cambridge Analytica scandal is now a major problem for [...]

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March 17, 2018

How The Brain Changes Itself Based On The Things You Do



How The Things You Do Actually Change Your [...]
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March 16, 2018

Google Sets Up AI Ethics Board To Control Any Rise of the Machines


There’ s been alot [...]

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March 12, 2018

Meet Pepper, The Emotion Reading Robot

One thing that allows [...]

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March 5, 2018

Free Digital Workshops in Brooklyn/Harlem, Teach Kids How to Build Robots and Apps

AIGA, the professional [...]

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March 4, 2018

Synthetic Plant Farms Could Solve World Hunger

At the Living Machines [...]

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